Hey Crew--
Exciting times around here. Things are going great in the buildout of the new space. It is going to be a spacious, soulful place for our community to grow. It's hard to believe that it will be "home" in less than a month. I know you are all curious about what's happening and how you can help. I appreciate so much your words of encouragement and offers of assistance. A lot is going to be happening over the next few weeks, so please stay tuned for updates. Here is the plan as of today:
We will have regular classes and a regular schedule at our current location through July 31st. Sign up for classes as usual. Catacombs will be closed August 1-3. Go outside and play or take a couple of rest days. This is necessary to allow our contractors to finish up and for us to obtain all necessary inspections and sign offs. We want to make sure that we do things the right way so as not to run afoul of city regulations. The coaching staff will be working over those days to get equipment set up and organized so that we can hit the ground running on Friday, August 4th. It is our hope that we will be 98% of the way done by then so that we can get back to the business of fitness without major interruptions.
If you would like to help with the move, we can hook you up there too. We are in need of a couple more trucks or especially truck/trailer combos if possible for Friday-Sunday, July 28-30. If you would like to show off your functional fitness, we will gladly take your strength and work capacity too. We will begin moving rowers and large equipment on Friday afternoon with a major effort on Saturday and Sunday as well. We could also use handy people with tools to assist in taking down rigs and stuff attached to walls on Sunday. If you are able to help with a truck or trailer OR if you just want to help move heavy stuff, please email Coach Greg as he is organizing volunteers.
Again, thanks for your cooperation and flexibility through this transition. We couldn't do it without you.