Park Workouts Canceled

March 17, 2020
Park Workouts Canceled


March 17, 2020


In cooperation with Gov. Polis's order, Catacombs will be closed for the next 30 days. We will continue to post at-home workouts, coach you virtually, and be your connecting point through this time. Get ready to hear from us! We cannot offer in-person training of any kind but would appreciate the opportunity to continue to coach you through all of the channels available to us. 

While the shifting ground underneath us is certainly unsettling, it is my sincere belief that Catacombs will weather this storm. Adversity breeds resilience and if there is one thing I know for sure, you guys are one tough crew. But you also have hearts of gold. Keep looking out for each other. Keep lifting each other up. Remember all the good that exists in the world and be a part of expanding it. We will be better on the other side for having weathered the storm together.

And we are not alone in this struggle. Many other individuals and businesses face similar financial uncertainty. If you are directly impacted and have lost your source of income, please email me directly ( and I will work with you to make sure membership fees do not prevent you from staying connected to this community. If you are fortunate enough to not be directly financially impacted, we would greatly appreciate your continued financial support. It allows us to continue to employ our coaching staff while physically shut down. I promise you that we will be working harder for you than ever.

To those who have reached out to me or our coaches with words of encouragement, thank you. It means more than you can possibly know right now. Thank you for believing in us and sticking with us.

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