I get really upset when one of our athletes tells me that they skipped their workout the previous day because they weren't sure they could do all of the movements that were included. To me, that means that I have failed to create or sincerely communicate our willingness to make CrossFit work for any and every athlete regardless of limitations. Whether because of injury, soreness, or plain old immobility, our coaching staff is NEVER annoyed by modifying movements in a workout for individual athletes. While I feel like I have said this at least three thousand times, it still comes up multiple times every day. You do not need to apologize for asking for a modification or a scaled option. It's what we do.
You see, we enjoy the opportunity to use our creativity and help make your workout work for you. It gives us a chance to show off what makes us special and why limiting classes to 10 people really isn't a stupid idea. Anyone can yell "3-2-1--GO" and start the timer. Knowing our athletes, understanding your limitations, and caring enough to customize workouts that keep you in the game are what set us apart. Don't stay on the sidelines any longer than medically necessary. Just because your knee, hip, shoulder, or whatever needs a rest, doesn't mean that the rest of you wouldn't benefit from a good old-fashioned sweat angel.
Get back to work.