Back by Popular Demand: Mobility Clinic!

February 9, 2016
Back by Popular Demand: Mobility Clinic!


February 9, 2016

Workout of the Day--February 9, 2016

2 Front Squats
EMOM add 10lbs until you can’t go up any more
(Goal is 10 min)

Rest 2 minutes

EMOM for 10min
5 Front Squat @ 60% of 2 RM

Press: 5-5-3-3-3-3-1-1

V-Rock with demonstrating some solid shoulder mobility!
V-Rock with demonstrating some solid shoulder mobility!

Back by Popular Demand: Mobility Clinic!

It warms my heart to hear how many of you loved the Mobility Clinic and are asking for more. Well, here you go. Saturday at 11 AM is Mobility Clinic Part 2. More foam rollers and lacrosse balls are on the way for your mobilizing pleasure. If you missed the first one, here is your chance. If you made the first one, we know you will be back for more. 

I can't say enough about the importance of this aspect of our health and fitness. Whether you aspire to be a Games Athlete, compete in Ultra races, roll around on the floor with your grandkids, or just walk around pain-free; better mobility will get you closer to your goals. We spend hard hours every week working out and pushing the limits of our muscles and joints. Many of us walk around sore and on the brink of injury more of the week than not. The muscle soreness we encounter from working out hard is a necessary evil. Injury from chronic poor mobility is not. 

Come join Karen Saturday at 11 AM for a not-so-relaxing mobility sesh. You will be glad you did. This clinic is free and open to the community.

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