15 Minute AMRAP
9 Deadlifts (155lbs /110lbs)
12 Push-ups
15 Box jumps (24/20″)
It has come to my attention that some of you are still not sure what the heck the Catacombs Games are. Let's clear up all those questions and misconceptions right now! The Catacombs Games are our version of the CrossFit Games. We gather on Friday evening, perform a workout, and eat, drink and enjoy each other's company after the workout. We have designed this to run concurrently with the CrossFit Open so that those competing in the Open will have an awesome venue and support to perform those workouts. The Catacombs Games are open to all athletes in our community. It is a team-based competition that incorporates workout participation, sportsmanship, camaraderie, pot-luck contributions, and team spirit. You can read the full blog post here and here are some Frequently Asked Questions to help clear up any misconceptions.
How do I get on a team? Just put your name on the list at the front desk. We have about 50 people signed up so far! The Team Captains will be doing a draft in the next week to divvy up athletes. If you miss the draft deadline, just let Tracie or Dustin know that you want to participate and we will put you on a team.
What is the cost? There is no cost to participate. This is meant to be a fun, community building activity. We will ask you to bring food and/or drinks to support the pot-luck and hopefully you will buy a t-shirt or two.
What if I can't do pull-ups like Dustin or squat like John? Thanks goodness. Neither can I. We will scale every workout for every athlete. These will be serious workouts, so come prepared to be challenged, but we will make sure you have a workout option that is appropriate. And you never know, with the super-charged atmosphere of Friday Night Lights and the support of your teammates, maybe you can do pull-ups like Boy Wonder.
What are the dates/times? The Catacombs Games will be held on February 26th, March 4th, March 11th, March 18th ,and March 25th. We will run heats of the workout each night just like we do for Friday Night Lights (FNL). Yes, I know some of you have never been to a FNL, but that's one that you will just have to experience for yourself. The first heat will kick off at 5 and we will run heats until we get everyone through the workout. If you get off work later than that or need to get in an early heat to be somewhere else, we will do everything we can to accommodate you. Just talk to the coach in charge on that night.
What if I can't make all of them? Wait, some of you have lives and can't commit to 5 straight Friday nights at your gym? We get it. There is no requirement to attend all of them. You can still help your team by completing the workout during regular class-time on Friday or Open Gym. Still not possible? That's still okay. This is meant to be FUN.
If I am competing in the official CrossFit Open, will someone be available to judge and validate my score? Absolutely. Again, talk to the coach in charge so we make sure we have everything squared away.
Other questions? Post to comments and we will answer them!