First, thank you everyone for your patience and flexibility over the last couple of weeks as we have shuffled coaches and schedules. We know that we have had some full classes and are working on alleviating that. Thank you for your patience and positive, welcoming energy. The good news is that Dustin is back from Scotland so we should be back to a normal schedule soon enough. The better news is that Tracie is gone next week with her family for Thanksgiving so you won't have to put up with her.
We will be running a regular schedule through Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving. On Thursday, the workout of the day is the Turkey Trot at Fort Lewis College. This is a great way to earn your turkey and fixings for Thanksgiving dinner. All proceeds from this event go to local causes: Manna Soup Kitchen, Annie's Orphans/Humane Society, and the 9R school district. We have discount codes for registration if cost is an issue so let me know if you plan on attending and I can help set you up. It would be AWESOME to have a crew from Catacombs represent at this fun event.
On Friday following Thanksgiving, we will offer a special "12 Days of Gratitude" workout in TWO classes at 8:30 and 10:00, rather than the single class originally planned. Following these classes, we will hold a Rowing Open Gym from 11 AM to 1:00 PM. This will also be a great opportunity to get a jump on the Holiday Rowing Challenge. Read the details here. Classes are open to all members and will NOT be limited to 10 athletes. We will have 2 coaches there to help keep you safe and organized. Go ahead and sign up on ZP as always.
Finally, the 2016 Member Survey went out on Saturday. If you did not receive an email with a link to the survey, please email Tracie. We will be accepting responses through Sunday, November 20. Your input is very important. It is our mission to provide the best health and fitness experience in Durango. While we strive to do that day in and day out, we need to know how we are doing and where we can improve.