Milestone Workout #2
For time:
18 Squat Cleans (155/105)
18 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
Rest 5 mins
For time:
24 Thrusters (95/65)
24 Chest to bar pull-ups (or kipping, or banded)
Strength: Press 2-2-2-2
One of the first questions that I ask new athletes or prospects is what there goals are in doing CrossFit. Why are they sitting next to me in this gym, right now? What is the series of events that brought them to the point of being willing to walk through the door and see what we are all about? Sometimes people have a clear picture of what they want, but often they just know that they want or need to make a change. CrossFit is the starting point for that change.
The video shared above is very grounding for me. We get caught up in measuring benchmarks, tracking progress, and knowing 1-rep max lift numbers. But for most of us, CrossFit is about being the best version of ourselves that we can be. It is about building and preserving capacity for the long haul. Numbers and names on whiteboards are great motivational tools; but the Constances of this world are what light a fire in me as a coach and as an athlete.
Maybe you don't have a specific goal that you are working toward but you know that a better you is on the other side of a CrossFit workout or a dozen CrossFit workouts or a few hundred. Sometimes we get rewards for our work that we didn't even know were out there waiting for us. The strength to pick up your children or grandchildren without hurting your back. The stamina to work a full 12 hour shift without your knees and low back aching. The endurance to keep up with your much younger running or riding buddies. Or the confidence that comes from feeling stronger and healthier.
Watch the video above and reflect for a couple of minutes on your health and your goals. Then, put some action into that reflection and keep showing up to do the hard things. If you've been making excuses about not getting into the gym as much as you should, watch the video a second time. If Constance can do it, I'm pretty sure most anyone reading this blog can as well.