Durango Double and the Women's Resource Center

September 17, 2015
Durango Double and the Women's Resource Center



September 17, 2015

Workout of the Day--September 17, 2015

G-Luv is doing the Durango Double as part of the Catacombs Endurance Team.
G-Luv is doing the Durango Double as part of the Catacombs Endurance Team.

AMRAP 8 minutes:
50 Double-unders
5 Hang Power Snatch 135/95

Press: 3-3-3-3-3

6 Minute EMOM
5 Deadlifts at 75% of 1 RM

Durango Double and the Women's Resource Center

The Durango Double is coming up October 10th and 11th. The Catacombs Endurance Team has been training for and will be racing in this event. Catacombs is excited to support the Durango Double because it is a really awesome Durango event, but more importantly, it also raises money for an awesome local nonprofit, the Women's Resource Center (WRC). When Liz Mora, the Executive Director of the WRC reached out to me to thank Catacombs for our support, I decided to use our blog as a means of letting you all know what this organization is up to. Read on to learn more. And if you get inspired to use your fitness to help them out, head on over to durangodouble.com and register for the race. We will see you out there!

About the WRC:

Women make up the biggest group of people living in poverty in the United States. The more education a woman has the more likely she is to be self-sufficient. The Women’s Resource Center not only connects women and girls to the resources they need immediately but also provides programming to connect them with services that will help them reach their full earning potential in all stages of life. 

What We Provide:

Resource and Referral: Connects women and girls to community resources needed immediately in a comfortable open door setting 32 hours per week.

Get Your Girl Power: Supports 5th grade girls with their transition into middle school.

Girls to Women, Women to Girls: Supports 8th grade girls with their transition into high school.

Low Bono Program: Provides monthly low cost legal consultations for clients dealing with divorce and custody issues.

Professional Development Coaching Program: Connects women with one-on-one professional coaching. Coaching helps women move toward success and a balanced life by identifying strengths, weaknesses, career and/or entrepreneurial interests, while setting personal, career and/or business goals.

Educational Opportunity Fund: Provides scholarships for certification or college training to individuals working toward a non-master's degree at an accredited institution. Assistance is also available to help women advance in their career. WRC currently has two endowed scholarships available through the Fort Lewis College Foundation.

Womenade: A grassroots program which provides financial assistance through one-time grants.

The Durango Double, sponsored by Animas Surgical Hospital , is our biggest fundraiser that helps us keep our doors open for women searching for assistance on a walk-in basis.  It also promotes health and wellness which are also keys to a balanced life and self-sufficiency.  Thank you ALL for supporting this race and committing to your health!

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