Big 5/55
Thruster (75/55)
Calorie Row
SDHP (75/55)
Jack Knives
Greetings Crew--
I'm always the first one to encourage athletes to get into the gym 3-4 times per week and often my classes run right up to the wire resulting in abbreviated rolling and mobility time. It would be easy to conclude that mobility and recovery time is optional and not that important. This could not be further from the truth and your coaching staff is going to put renewed emphasis on this in the coming weeks. I'm not just talking about taking a rest day now and then, although that is certainly important. I'm talking about putting some deposits in the mobility and active recovery banks. We ask a lot of our bodies on a daily basis. Our workouts put a lot of strain on our bodies and our day jobs sitting in front of computers or behind steering wheels only exasperate the problem. When was the last time you spent 10 minutes with a foam roller, a lacrosse ball, or doing yoga outside of your regular class time? Perhaps a massage or other body work? Even an easy meditative walk or hike can sometimes fit the bill.
While I believe CrossFit to be the most effective exercise regimen anywhere, I completely respect when someone tells me that they just need to go for a bike ride or take the dog for a walk. Often that allows enough of a change of pace to come the next day with more focus and intensity. Or it is just what that person needs on that day. Listen to your nagging sore spots, creaky shoulders or achey knees and give them the attention they are asking for. Injuries are much easier to head off than they are to treat. Just a friendly reminder from your coaches :)