8 Minute AMRAP
Strict press (95/65)
30 Double-unders every time bar is put down
Rest 4 minutes
8 Minute AMRAP
Hang power cleans (135/95)
5 burpee box jumps every time bar is put down
We all have highs and lows. Some weeks my workouts, sleep, and nutrition are priorities and I do whatever I have to to hit the mark. Other weeks I get overwhelmed by the tasks of the day or sidetracked by distractions and miss the mark. I try not to get too caught up in how I feel on any one day, but rather focus on whether the ship is headed in the right general direction or the wrong direction. A couple of less than stellar days can easily turn into a downward trend. Then, I start to feel bad about myself for not taking care of business and can quickly turn that trend into a rut. Those ruts get deeper the longer you spend in them.
I heard the principal at one of my kids' schools give a talk to the kids about this very topic and I thought it was relevant to all of us as athletes and human beings. Don't get so caught up in how you are doing today, just make sure that your trajectory is upward. Pick a guidepost on your health and fitness journey and use it to guide your way. Then surround yourself with the people that are going to keep you on that path.