We are excited to welcome Tiffany Godwin to Catacombs next Wednesday night for an in-depth discussion of nutrition as it relates to you--the athletes at Catacombs. Many of you saw great results with the Food Challenge in October, but now you are struggling with how to make that your lifestyle instead of an experiment. Athletes ask me every week about what they should eat before a workout or how to get stronger or how to lose weight. You've heard me spout my opinion about what you eat being MORE important than what you do in the gym. Now you have the opportunity to learn from someone far more qualified than me regarding nutrition for health and performance.
This will be an open forum discussion, but a few of the things we have asked her to cover are:
And whatever else you want to ask the nutritionist!
Tiffany will take the floor at 6:30. Sign up for the 5:30 workout then stick around for her talk. Bring your friends and family. This is a FREE event.
Tiffany Godwin is a certified Master Nutrition Therapist with an emphasis on customized, whole foods nutrition. She focuses on blood sugar balance, digestive health, and hormone balance with an emphasis on traditional food preparation and the paleo lifestyle. She also incorporates meditation, exercise, and other lifestyle modifications into her healing framework.